Landseerilogoga asjad - Things with Landseer logo
Võimalus on tellida endale landseerilogoga asju (treeningveste, fliise, mütse, seljakotte,...). On ka võimalus, et logo tikitakse tellija oma pluusi-fliisi-vesti peale. Kui on huvi anna mulle teada. Mõned näidised on allpool.
It is possible to order trainingvests, fleeces, hats, backpacks with stiched Landseer logo. You may provide also Your own garments to stich on them. If interested, let me know.Some examples are below.
Treeningvestid - Training vests
Lisainfo: Passe värvi saab valida, allolevatel piltidel on helehall, kollane ja must. Teksti hõlmal saab ise valida. Olenevalt soovist, võib olla tikand-tekst ühel või mõlemal hõlmal. Heledad triibud on helkurmaterjalist. Tekst rinnal on tikitud helkurniidiga.
Addidional info: Colour of upper part of the vest can vary. In the photos you find lightgrey, yellow and black variations. Also blue and red are possible. Text in front can vary according to Your wish (or in one or in both sides). Every can ask text they like (dog name, owner name, kennel name, etc...). Light stripes are from special reflexing material. Text in front is stitched with reflexing thread.
Fliis, põll- Fleece, apron