Keeshond (mõnel pool kutsutakse ka ‘Wolfspitz’) on saksa spitside seas suurim. Tõug on pärit Hollandist ja teda kutsuti varem Hollandi špitsiks. Teda kasutati jőelaevade ja talude valvurina. Tänapäeval on ta seltsikoer.
Keeshond on vilgas, energiline ja mänguhimuline. Tal on väga head valveomadused, kuid ta pole agressiivne. Ta saab hästi läbi lastega ja teiste koertega, perekonnas hoiab ta kőiki vőrdselt, on truu ja kiindunud.
Tal ei ole väga suur liikumisvajadus, ta őpib kiiresti ja soovib oma peremehele meele järele olla. Seetőttu sobib ta ka harrastuskoeraks.
Keeshond on keskmist kasvu, turjakőrgus 43-55 cm. Karvkate on tihe, ilmastikukindel, pikk, aluskarvaga, sirge, värvuselt hallikas. []
The Keeshond is a medium-sized (43-55 cm) dog with a plush two-layer coat of silver and black fur with a ruff and a curled tail. It originated in the Netherlands, and its closest relatives are the German spitzes such as the Großspitz, Mittelspitz, and Kleinspitz or Pomeranian. Originally called the German Spitz, more specifically the Wolfspitz, the name was officially changed to Keeshond, in 1926 in England, where it had been known as the Dutch Barge Dog. [Wikipedia]
Keeshond gives a quite impressive impression with his gorgeous wolf-like coat, silver grey with black hair-tips, and his distinctive markings of ‘spectacles’ around his eyes [website of van 't Kezenhoeveke].